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Airalo eSIM not Working: What to do?

Is your Airalo eSIM not working? Learn about the different issues you can come across and how to solve them in no time.

Julio Osuna

November 22, 2023

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If you bought an eSIM from Airalo, you expect it to work from the moment you install it on your device. But what happens if the Airalo eSIM is not working? When it comes to using a virtual SIM card and it not working, different things can happen, such as compatibility, data not working, the provider being unable to activate it, and much more.

That’s why it’s important for travelers to know what to do if their Airalo eSIM is not working. So let’s see the different issues travelers can encounter and how they can solve them.

Why won’t Airalo eSIM work?

There are different possibilities on why this can happen, and the Airalo eSIM can have these issues after the purchase process.

There are different scenarios for why the Airalo eSIM is not working. These are some of them:

  • Airalo eSIM data is not working.
  • Airalo is unable to activate the eSIM.
  • The eSIM is not working on Android or iOS.

With this in mind, it’s time for people to know more about these issues and how to solve them.

Airalo App. Source: Airalo.

Airalo eSIM data not working

If the Airalo eSIM data is not working, there are different reasons why this could be happening. So let’s list them and tell how to solve each one:

  1. Airalo eSIM data is not working due to the mobile data being turned off: This might be a common problem to solve when using an Airalo eSIM. Before getting in touch with customer support, make sure the mobile data on your device is turned on.
  2. The eSIM is out of the coverage range: Just like it happens with SIM cards, people need to make sure they are inside the coverage range. This is something common to see, and that’s why before purchasing an eSIM, it’s necessary to check its coverage range.
  3. The device doesn’t have open bands: When using a device, in order for the Airalo eSIM to work, it’s a must that the device has open bands. As virtual SIM cards work with carriers worldwide, devices that only work with local carriers won’t be capable of using the Airalo eSIM.
  4. APN needs to be updated: When using a new virtual SIM card, some devices will require to change the APN for the mobile data to start working. In most cases, this is done automatically once the eSIM is activated. But if not, people will need to change the APN and set up a new one that comes with the Airalo eSIM for data to start working.
  5. Roaming is not activated on your device: As you travel with an eSIM, ensure roaming is activated once you arrive at your destination. If roaming is not activated upon arrival, the mobile data won’t work until this option is turned on.

Airalo unable to activate eSIM

If Airalo cannot activate eSIM, there might be some reasons why this is happening. 

One of the reasons why this can happen is that people have too many eSIMs installed on their devices. Devices have a limit on how many virtual SIM cards these can store, and the Airalo eSIM can be stuck on activating as there’s no slot for it. People can clean up their devices and then proceed to use the virtual SIM card.

On the other hand, if Airalo cannot activate eSIM, there are other reasons too. Upon activation, Airalo might be having issues with the activation of eSIMs related to the carrier they use for certain destinations, or there might be issues related to the Airalo platform itself. In either case, contact customer support to see what’s happening, but keep in mind response time is a bit longer compared to other companies.

Airalo eSIM not working
iOS is unable to activate messages with an Airalo eSIM. Source: Airalo.

Lastly, Airalo can also not activate an eSIM if there’s no WiFi or internet connection. The solution for this issue only requires an internet connection for the eSIM activation to be completed.

Airalo eSIM is not working on Android/iOS

If your Airalo eSIM is not working on Android or iOS, some solutions will help users on either of these devices. 

Let’s start with Android. If the Airalo eSIM is not working on Android, here are some of the solutions Airalo offers:

  1. Make sure your “Data Roaming” option is on. 
  2. Update the “Access Point Name” if required through the settings of your device. The APN details are given to users upon receiving their Airalo eSIM.
  3. If the Airalo eSIM is stuck on activating, ensure you have space to install another one on your mobile.

As for iOS users, here are how to solve if the Airalo eSIM is not working.

  1. Keep the roaming on while you are at your destination.
  2. If you have the “Activation Failure” message, don’t worry, the eSIM will start working as soon as you arrive at your destination.
  3. Remember, iPhone devices support different amounts of eSIMs. Check you have space for a new eSIM before adding the Airalo one.

In both cases, remember to have a good WiFi connection to complete the installation process.

Changing the Airalo eSIM APN. Source: Airalo.

Airalo eSIM alternative: Holafly eSIM

For people who are looking to travel and stay connected, one of the best alternatives in the market comes with the Holafly eSIM.

Available in more than 160 destinations around the world, the Holafly eSIM has become a go-to alternative for travelers who want a high-quality mobile internet service. Nowadays, Holafly provides an unlimited data package at affordable prices, which makes it a great option for all types of travelers.

Comparing Holafly with Airalo, people will come across that Holafly is way better in what it offers:

  • Faster purchase process
  • Affordable prices
  • Compatibility with more devices
  • 24/7 customer service in different languages
  • A mobile app for iOS and Android that helps in the purchase process
  • A mobile number to make phone calls in Europe, and much more.

These are the overall advantages offered by the company, and they actually make it stand out from Airalo due to what it offers. The only real downside here is not to have an eSIM-compatible device because there’s nothing else worth mentioning.

Holafly home website.
Holafly Website. Source: Holafly.

Conclusion on Airalo eSIM not working

Overall, the issues across the Airalo eSIM are “normal” to see. People can and should be worried if their virtual SIM card is not working. But users can complete some of these solutions, whilst others might require help from Airalo, and these might take longer.

The good thing is that now you have the solutions offered by Airalo, which gives you an idea of what to do or who to contact if necessary.

On the other hand, companies like Holafly offer better service more in-depth solutions to these issues, and faster response time from customer support. And that’s not all, as the company offers more services than the Airalo eSIM. And you can get one for an affordable price.


Why is my eSIM suddenly not working?

If the eSIM suddenly stops working, it can be due to several reasons. If none of the previously mentioned help you with the Airalo eSIM, then you need to contact customer support for them to tell you what’s happening with the eSIM.

Why is eSIM not activating?

If the eSIM is not activating on your device, you might need to check whether you have space to add more and have a proper internet connection. If you have further issues, contact customer support to see what’s happening with the eSIM.

How long does it take an Airalo eSIM to activate?

The Airalo eSIM, similar to other virtual SIM cards, takes around 5 minutes to activate. It’s important to have good internet during the activation.

Can people get a refund from Airalo?

Yes. The thing with the Airalo refund is that it only applies in certain cases. So it’s important for people to read more about how to request a refund from Airalo to know about this process.