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Top 4 Best eSIMs for China in 2024

Wondering about what are the best eSIMs to use in China? Here's all the information you need to know about the best alternatives!

Julio Osuna

January 1, 2024

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Planning on traveling to Asia soon? Maybe China sounds like the perfect place to visit, and there’s plenty to do there, which is great. Nowadays, China has become a place worth getting to know for tourists all around the world, but similar to other destinations, it’s necessary to be prepared for the trip. In this case, one of the best alternatives is to have access to the top 4 best eSIMs to use in China this year!

Therefore, if you do plan to travel there soon and you want to avoid spending more money than expected, this is the perfect guide for you to read! So, let’s get to discuss everything related to the top 4 best eSIMs in China!

Looking for Mobile Internet in China?

Enjoy your trip with a China eSIM. Connect to the internet and use your favorite social media app without worries!

Why should I get an eSIM for China?

For people wondering which alternative to use when traveling, getting to know which one is the best alternative might be difficult. There are different services available for travelers to use out there to get mobile internet in China, such as roaming or Pocket WiFi devices. Both of these can be used in China, and they are also popular among travelers, but there’s an important fact to keep in mind here, and that’s the price and how easy it is to get them.

For roaming services, activating and using it is not complicated at all. On the other hand, the price is quite high. For Pocket WiFi devices, both the price and how easy it is to get one are complicated things. But digital SIM cards for China make everything easier with lower prices and immediate deliveries.

That’s why nowadays, eSIMs have become a go-to solution for travelers all around the world. But now it’s time to mention which are the top 4 best eSIMs for China to get to know more about them.

A woman taking a picture in China. Source: Pexels.

Which is the best eSIM for China?

Traveling to China is something that takes preparation. Of course, the same happens for other destinations as well. And that’s why it’s necessary to know more about the top 4 best eSIMs for China and other things like which are these digital SIM carriers and know if people are using eSIM-compatible devices.

What’s important to know here is the fact that buyers won’t need to worry much about finding all the information related to the companies they can get to use. That’s something we have prepared here. 

In this case, we’ll focus on talking about Holafly, YeSIM, Flexiroam, and Truphone. These are the top alternatives for people to use when traveling to China. So, let’s get to know more about each one of them.

1. Holafly

holafly esim china customization
Holafly eSIM for China. Source: Pexels.

Our first option among the top 4 best China eSIM comes with Holafly. The company was established five years ago and has become one of the favorite options for travelers who want to get to know the world. Holafly allows people to get digital SIM cards in over 190 destinations. But that’s not all that catches people’s attention when it comes to using their service; it’s also the fact their digital SIM card work in Xiaomi, Samsung, iPhone, and many other devices. 

As for those wondering about the service and what to expect when using it, it’s important to mention that Holafly offers unlimited data packages. In this case, all the data plans available for those traveling to China include 500 MB daily for tethering. These will vary from 1 to 90 days, which is excellent for those who are traveling for more than just a few days.

For other destinations you can choose only the number of days you need, this happens with the eSIM to travel to Bali and Indonesia for example. Of course you will also find in their store regional options with coverage in several countries such as with their Asia eSIM with unlimited data.

As for the price, it will vary from $6 to $139 depending on how long vacationers will travel to China, and to be fair, the price is quite accessible. On the other hand, there are other extra features, such as multi-language customer support 24/7, an iOS app to manage everything, and many other incredible things.

Holafly opinions. Source: Pexels.

2. YeSIM

For second place in the top 4 best eSIMs, we have to discuss YeSIM and what they offer. As for how they operate, there are no huge differences in what they offer compared to the companies previously mentioned because the YeSIM digital SIM card can be purchased either using their app or through the website.

Currently, YeSIM is available in two different languages. These two are English and Russian, and all the purchases made on their website must be made with euros. As said before, they have an app that works on both Android and iOS devices.

Currently, YeSIM offers four different data plans to use in China. These plans vary from 7 to 49 Euros depending on how much wireless data customers need. The digital SIM cards offered by YeSIM offer from 1 GB to 7 GB of cellular data.

As for additional features besides customer support and the app, it’s important to say that YeSIM offers different payment methods, such as PayPal, AliPay, and others.

3. Flexiroam

In third place there’s Flexiroam. The brand was founded back in 2011 and has become one of those alternatives travelers like to take along when going abroad. Nowadays, they offer different digital SIM card alternatives, making them part of the top 4 best eSIMs to use in China. And that’s why they are mentioned here as well.

Similar to the rest of the alternatives, Flexiroam works in two different methods. One of them is through the website, and the other one is through their official app. Using any of these two, consumers can get a virtual SIM card for more than 150 countries, China included.

As for how much the digital SIM card costs, it will depend on what customers need. There are different data plans available, as expected. These plans will vary in price depending on how much mobile data they include, as there are plans that offer 500 MB and other offers up to 10 GB for travelers.

With this in mind, plans vary from $2.90 to up to $33.90. Other than this, the extra features include customer service, the official app, and some others.

4. Truphone

For our last alternative in the top 4 best eSIMs for China, there’s Truphone. Currently, the company offers digital SIM cards for travelers. The provider offers different types of packages as well, as they supply regional and local data packages. For China, both of these alternatives are available for travelers to use.

Truphone allows vacationaers to get one of their virtual SIM cards in different ways. Whether it is through the website or app, people won’t have a hard time trying to get the one they prefer using, which is something great.

Currently, prices vary from $5 to $15, but the service is actually quite limited, and that’s a downside for some users. These packages only include from 1 GB to 5 GB of wireless data, which is quite low.

As for additional features, Truphone offers the ones we could see in other companies. In this case, we could mention the customer support that’s available 24/7, good coverage, and their app to manage everything related to the eSIM.

Best eSIM plans for China: Which one to choose?

Up to this point, people have a clear idea of what they can find when it comes to using digital SIM cards in China. There are many alternatives, but it’s better to have them side-by-side to compare prices and features easily.

Among the top 4 best eSIMs for China, Holafly is a clear favorite. But let’s see what the rest of these companies offer too.

HolaflyUnlimited Data1$6.00iOS/Android/Web
HolaflyUnlimited Data5$21.00iOS/Android/Web
HolaflyUnlimited Data10$37.00iOS/Android/Web
HolaflyUnlimited Data15$5100iOS/Android/Web
HolaflyUnlimited Data20$62.00iOS/Android/Web
HolaflyUnlimited Data30$75.00iOS/Android/Web
HolaflyUnlimited Data60$107.00iOS/Android/Web
HolaflyUnlimited Data90$139.00iOS/Android/Web
Table 1. eSIM international providers’ comparison chart.

Which one is the best price?

When it comes to defining which eSIM has the best price, it’s necessary to know which one offers the best amount of mobile data. If we think about this, Holafly comes first, as all its data plans offer unlimited cellular data. The company offers a customization feature that’s also available for the eSIM in Japan.

Flexiroam and Truphone offer good prices as well, but they don’t offer unlimited data packages with their digital SIM cards.

Which one offers more mobile data?

In this case, there’s a clear favorite. Holafly comes first again. All of their data packages include unlimited mobile data. Therefore, there’s no need to worry about buying more than one eSIM while traveling.

Flexiroam comes in second place, as there is no other company offering up to 10 GB with their digital SIM cards.

Which operators support the eSIM in China?

For those wondering about the mobile carriers in China supporting eSIMs, there’s only one we can mention. This one is CMCC.