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What to pack in your suitcase for your trip to Morocco?

Do you know what to pack for your trip to Morocco? Today we will summarize what you should carry on your next trip to the Middle East.

Carolina S.

June 1, 2023

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Since Morocco is an exciting new country to explore, you may be wondering what to pack in your luggage. Indeed, this will depend on the places you want to visit and the season of the year you’re traveling.

In Morocco, you’ll have experiences in the desert, be able to visit imperial cities, enjoy beautiful beaches, go shopping in its distinctive souks, and much more, making it a great motivation to travel for a week or more.

For this very reason, it’s crucial for you to be prepared. Therefore, we have written a post explaining what to pack for Morocco. However, one of the key elements is the virtual SIM or eSIM for Morocco, since it will allow you to stay connected to the internet wherever you go.

Get connected in Morocco fast and easily!

To make your trip an unforgettable experience, we recommend that you leave roaming behind and try the new eSIM for Morocco with unlimited data plans.

What to pack for Morocco? Essential items for your trip

Here, we will share with you what you should not forget when packing for Morocco; for example, the required documentation, travel insurance, data card, and suitable clothing style. Remember that 98% of its population is Muslim, and therefore, we must dress decorously to respect their beliefs.

It’s time to prepare your round-trip flight ticket unless you intend to fly back on a carpet.

Required documentation in your baggage to enter Morocco

Visa and passport

Your passport is the must-have document in your luggage to enter Morocco, and it must be valid for at least 6 months. The permitted length of stay for tourists in this country is 90 days, and a maximum of 6 months per year. So this means that if you travel to Morocco, you can stay for only 3 months, and then you can come back for another 3 months.

When entering or leaving Morocco, remember to get your passport stamped, fill out a form (available during the flight or at the airport), and hand it in.

Tip: If this is your first time in Morocco or you have renewed your passport, the police will assign you a number called CIN (123456AA), and these digits will identify you within Morocco.

Flight tickets and other bookings in Morocco

You must do it in advance to buy your flight tickets and make your bookings for lodging and guides. It’s recommended to travel to Morocco between March, April, May, September, and October. And, if you want to head to the South, do it from October to February.

Other documents that you should bring in your carry-on bag to Morocco apart from the flight tickets are:

  • Booking for your tour package; please consider including a local guide, who will accompany you to each destination and will be your translator.
  • Booking of your accommodation, there are trustworthy options on the internet.

Remember to carry your printed and digital reservations, they are very important to visit Morocco!

Camel caravan in Merzouga, Morocco. Source: Image by JimboChan on Pixabay

Technology for a digital nomad traveler in Morocco

Phone, camera, charger, headphones, and power adapter

“If you want your picture snapped, there’s one question you need to ask.”

Check out the tips and restrictions. Read about what to pack for your trip to Morocco.

  • If you have a passion for audiovisuals and you want to enter Morocco with a drone, you’ll have to apply for the import of unmanned flying objects through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the approval of the Ministry of Interior. Moreover, you must have an operating license endorsed by the Moroccan Civil Aviation Authority.
  • A cellphone or a high-resolution camera.
  • Memory cards and extra batteries for your video or photo camera.

Please ask before filming in the craftsmen’s small workshops, as some of them don’t like it because they believe “you’re going to steal their spiritual encouragement (talent)”.

  • If you’re traveling from Europe, there’s no need to buy a travel adapter because the power supply is 220V, and European plugs work in Morocco. However, if you’re coming from the US, Canada, and most South American countries, you’ll need a voltage converter in Morocco.
  • All your chargers: cell phone, laptop, camera, tablet, power bank, among other devices.

Not allowed: Taking pictures of police, soldiers, and any other government building, including stations and bridges.

  • Headphones, to listen to your favorite music, either on the plane or while traveling through the desert.

Internet connection in Morocco with a SIM card

“Stay connected to the internet with a SIM while traveling.”

Getting a Morocco eSIM is truly important to stay connected to the internet. You can choose between five, seven, ten, fifteen, or twenty days of unlimited data. With the Holafly eSIM, you can extend your service through top-ups.

eSIM for Morocco
Holafly virtual SIM card with unlimited data for Morocco. Source: Holafly

As any traveler, we love to keep it simple, and that’s why the eSIM data or virtual SIM card is so great:

  • You keep your WhatsApp number.
  • All you have to do is activate the eSIM on your cellphone, turn on “Data Roaming” and that’s it.
  • Shipping is free and you get the eSIM emailed to you instantly.
  • Unlimited data plans are available
  • 24-hour support, sealed with “Checked”!
  • You may top up your data whenever you need it.
  • Possibility to manage your data consumption through the Holafly App.

#Byebyeroaming, forget about paying to roam or searching for WiFi. We suggest you compare the alternatives to have internet in Morocco, the most convenient option being Holafly eSIM for Morocco, with whom you can get eSIMs for different destinations besides this one and Holafly offers one of the best eSIM for Switzerland.

Mobile translator English-Arabic/French

Visiting a country is to learn about its history and culture, and in the case of Morocco, of its language, being the official languages: Arabic, Amazigh or Berber, and French. But they also speak Spanish, which is widely spoken in the north and south of the country.

Here are some phrases and words that you should learn:

  • “As-salamu alaykum”: to greet a friend, who will reply with “Wa ʿalaykumu s-salam”.
  • “Souk”: marketplace
  • “Iyeh”: sí
  • “Laa”: no”
  • “Rally bizef”: too expensive. Perfect for starting a negotiation, in the land of bargaining.
  • “Shokran”: thank you.

The local guide you hire will be your translator.

These are some alternatives, apart from Google Translate:

  • English Arabic Translator (Android)
  • iTranslate Voice (iOS)
  • TripLingo (iOS/Android)

You may be interested in how to have internet during the flight.

Local currency and a bank card

Where can you exchange euros for dirhams before traveling to Morocco?

It’s not possible to exchange euros for dirhams before traveling to Morocco, as the dirham is not internationally exchanged.

Exchanging currency upon arrival in Morocco

The only option is to exchange currency upon arrival in Morocco. The exchange of euros for dirhams is available at all airports and hotels. Keep the receipt! (exchange form).

This exchange form is important because when we leave the country, we can ask for the exchange of Moroccan dirhams (MAD) for euros (export of foreign currency) up to 30% of the total exchange.

If you exchange at the airport, we recommend you withdraw just enough, since they don’t offer the best price, and afterward, in the city of destination, you should exchange the rest of the money since there are exchange agencies or bureaux de change in any street.

The national currency is the Dirham, divided into 100 cents.

International bank card with no fees

International bank card-Morocco. Source: Republica on Pixabay

International bank cards with no fees are admitted in hotels, restaurants, and stores. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Diners Club are allowed. You should carry the following cards in your luggage:

  • N26 card, free and no commissions. It’s a Mastercard debit card.
  • BNext, it’s a VISA card. You can download the app to get this card and have it delivered to your home address. You can withdraw up to $500 USD per month for free.
  • Revolut, it’s free. The app provides us with information about the expenses per section to keep accurate statistics. It’s a VISA card.

But cards to pay are not common across the country, so the best option is to use cash.

You can pay with a card in:

  • Certain restaurants and hotels
  • Some hotels and riads
  • Stores or franchises
  • Airports
  • Large food stores

You can’t pay with a card in:

  • Grocery stores.
  • Cabs, buses, and trains.
  • Most restaurants and cafés.
  • Street stalls and markets.
  • Stores selling shoes, clothes, gifts, etc.
  • State-controlled products.

How to enjoy a safe trip to Morocco?

Medical insurance

To fully appreciate Morocco, it’s best to get medical insurance. Although it’s one of the countries with the lowest health risks, medical care and treatment is expensive. Add it to your list of what to pack for Morocco.

In general, Morocco offers very good conditions in the health sector. As such, you can resort to private clinics where you’ll find excellent practitioners trained in Spain or France, although this only applies to the main cities.

We suggest you overstep hygiene measures:

  • Wash fruits several times.
  • As for drinks, prefer bottled water from big cities.
  • Be careful when crossing the road.


  • Buying food from street stalls or roadside stands.
  • Eating salads.

The insurance must cover all the activities you’ll do during your stay in Morocco, including adventure sports. IATI or InterMundial insurers are suitable options to consider for Morocco.

The first cause of health assistance is due to traffic accidents.

Bottled water-Sahara Desert-Morocco. Source: Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

Travel insurance including cancellation and return

Choose travel insurance that includes cancellation and return against unforeseen situations, i.e., when canceled, a higher percentage can be reimbursed. For example:

  • Missed flights.
  • Work or family emergencies that force you to return earlier than planned.
  • Lost or delayed luggage.

Vaccinations to enter Morocco

There are no mandatory vaccinations to enter Morocco. However, you’re encouraged to get vaccines against Tuberculosis and Hepatitis A, B, Typhoid Fever, Tetanus, and Diphtheria according to the recommendations of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

You should get your vaccinations two weeks before traveling.

Useful telephone numbers in Morocco

We provide you with a list of relevant telephone numbers in Morocco:

  • Police in cities nationwide: 19
  • Gendarmerie in rural areas: 177
  • In case of fire: 15
  • Information of Maroc-Telecom: 160


  • SAMU: +212 (0)537 73 73 73
  • SOS MÉDECINS: +212 (0)537 77 73 33

Main Hospitals and Clinics:


  • Hôpital Cheikh Khalifa Ibn Zaid: +212 (0)529 00 44 88
  • Clinique Badr: +212 (0)522 49 28 00 


  • Hôpital Cheikh Zaid: +212 (0)537 68 68 68
  • Clinique des Nations Unies+212 (0)537 67 05 05


  • Clinique des Spécialités Ryad: + 212 (0)559 60 00 00


  • Polyclinique Du Sud: + 212 (0)524 42 57 50


  • Clinique Assalam: + 212 (0)539 32 25 58

U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Morocco:

Casablanca: (212) 522-64-20-00
Rabat: (212) 0537 637 200


First aid kit for Morocco

Owing to the combination of plenty of spices in its gastronomy, the most common illnesses are stomach infections. Therefore, you should consider including in your first aid kit the following items:

  • Antidiarrheals to prevent intestinal disorders.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Gauze, surgical tape.
  • Repellent.
  • Sunscreen. As a country surrounded by deserts, solar radiation is high and you need protection at all times, regardless of the time of year you travel.

“Travel safe, travel happy”.

What to pack for Morocco? Shoes, scarves, and other accessories

Pick your outfit by destination and year season

To choose your clothes, you should consider the destination or tourist itinerary. This will also depend on the season of the year. Shortly, we will explain more about what to pack for Morocco.

Although it’s a very hot country, temperatures cool down at night, particularly in the desert and on the coast.

Souk of Marrakech-Morocco. Source: Julian Hacker on Pixabay

Remember: Always be prepared for bargaining in the souks, and never pay more than a third of what the seller is asking.

Grab your carry-on and get your look ready for Morocco:

  • Light jacket: Always great to have it handy in the evenings.
  • Cozy pants and T-shirts: Being exchangeable pieces, you can create different looks.
  • Long dress: For touring the streets of Morocco.

When traveling in religious or rural areas, both men and women should dress conservatively out of respect for local customs: legs and shoulders covered.

  • Bathing suit: If you travel to the coastal area.
  • Windbreaker: For windy areas such as Essaouira.
  • Night coat: The temperature usually drops quite a lot in the Atlas area.
  • Sunglasses, scarf, or cap: A must for when you visit the desert.
Scarf-Sahara Desert-Morocco. Source: Jessica Arias on Unsplash

We recommend wearing a scarf, since apart from being a classic accessory, you’ll look great in the photos.

Versatile and comfy footwear

Versatile and comfy footwear is what you need for touring Morocco. We recommend the following:

  • Sports shoes, tennis shoes, or sneakers: Closed-toe shoes are a must-have for the desert, walking around Marrakech, or visiting Kasbahs.
  • Strappy sandals: Perfect for visiting other places in Morocco, such as the medinas.

Tip: To save space in your luggage, you can pack one pair of shoes and another in the checked luggage to Morocco.

Grooming bag and sewing kit

A grooming bag will provide you with freedom and freshness wherever you go:

  • Moisturizer, soap, and deodorant.
  • Shampoo, conditioner.
  • Toothpaste, toothbrush.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Pantiliners and sanitary pads (if you’re a female traveler).
  • Perfume and cologne.

A sewing kit in your luggage to Morocco will be useful to manage any accidents you may have in Morocco.

Tip: You may bring a maximum of 10 bottles of 100 ml each in your carry-on to Morocco.

Perfect accessories for your trip to Morocco

Travel guides and booked tours

Given the existing prohibitions, customs, and beliefs in Morocco, it is best to have an official travel guide from a travel agency to make your trip much more pleasant and relaxing.

Each country is a fresh opportunity to explore, take pictures, record, write, and get to know a different culture. Have a look at our section on what to see and do in Morocco.

Don’t forget to pack your tour reservations, both printed and digital, in your carry-on bag to Morocco.

Sahara Desert Guide – Morocco. Source: Instagram FOTOGRAFIN on Pixabay

Sleeping kit

If you want to get a more pleasant trip, pack a sleeping kit in your carry-on bag to Morocco:

  • Neck pillow, great for leaving stress behind in your home country.
  • An eye mask and ear cover, to dream about your destination.

“Keep your batteries charged because you will need them in the desert and the souks.”


We recommend paperback books, they are small and perfect for your carry-on bag to Morocco. There are digital books, but please keep in mind that you need to save your battery.

Packing cubes, backpacks, and folding bags

Packing cubes are a blessing. Advantages? Your carry-on bag will be organized, well laid out, and airtight.

Sale of suitcases and backpacks in souks, Morocco. Source: Image by TheUjulala on Pixabay

Also, a must-carry is:

  • Backpack: “Travel backpack” or spinner upright suitcase, with both options you’ll travel comfortably.
  • Small bags, kangaroos, or koala bags: Put what you need to have on hand, your cellphone, passport, money, cards, and your water bottle.
  • Foldable bag: Your perfect ally in the world of the souks.

Notebook and pen

Believe it or not, a notebook and pen could be a lifesaver. Useful for writing down contact numbers, accounts, or addresses.

What to pack for Morocco?

Now you may be wondering what to pack to go to Morocco. So, here we will show you the basics when packing your suitcase:

  • Clothes, medicines, grooming kit, sleeping kit, sewing kit, make-up, and shoes.
  • Digital camera, video camera, smartphone, tablet, laptop.
  • Headphones, chargers, adapters, books, notebooks, and pens.
  • Printed documents with digital backup ( bookings, insurances).
  • Passport.
  • Up to 2000 dirhams (DH) before arriving.


  • Plants and plant products that may generate pests, being hazardous to the flora of Morocco.
  • Weapons and ammunition.
  • Printed content, audio, or video against morality and public safety.

Turn your luggage into an eco-friendly suitcase

Turning your suitcase into eco-friendly luggage is truly important if you want to protect the environment when you travel. You can carry the following items in your suitcase to Morocco:

  • Cloth bag.
  • eSIM or digital SIM card.
  • Digital documents.
  • A bottle of water, take a reusable thermos.
  • Cloth towels, no disposable wipes.

If you have already packed your suitcase, it’s time to go and taste the “Tajin” or ride a camel in the Sahara. Don’t forget to say: Shokran!