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Internet Safety Tips When Traveling Abroad

Get the best internet safety tips for traveling. Protect your information with our complete guide and feel safe while abroad!

Manuel M.

December 12, 2023

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Getting access to the internet locally and while abroad is now something common. That’s why people need to know what internet safety tips are to keep their connection secured when traveling. And with so many different options to get internet on your mobile, it might be hard to tell how to always stay safe.

Therefore, we will discuss internet safety tips for traveling abroad. In this guide, people will find important tips and different ways to avoid issues while using an internet connection abroad.

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Man Using Laptop. Source:

Research and Prepare

Before embarking on your travel, do extensive study on the online landscape of your destination. Familiarize oneself with the local internet rules, regulations, and restrictions.

Some governments may apply stringent censorship or monitoring measures, which may have an influence on your online activity.

Furthermore, examine the region’s current cyber dangers and comprehend the potential risks you may face, especially when it comes to using personal accounts where you can expose your personal or financial information.

Secure Your Devices

Update Software and Operating Systems

Check that all of your devices, including smartphones, computers, and tablets, have the most recent software upgrades. These updates frequently include critical security patches that guard against known vulnerabilities. This is a really valuable internet safety tip when traveling.

Internet safety tips abroad

Phone Password. Source:

Strong Passwords and Biometrics

As one of the most crucial internet safety tips when traveling abroad, set strong, unique passwords for all your accounts and devices to protect them against cyber attacks. Consider using a password manager to store and generate complex passwords securely.

A strong password is one that has a combination of letters, both upper and lower case, numbers, and special characters. Try to develop a passphrase that will help you remember your password.

Additionally, enable biometric authentication, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, where available. Most apps include this as a login option, and it’s also safer for travelers to use as no one will have access to your fingerprint.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Activate two-factor authentication whenever possible to give an extra degree of security to your accounts. Along with your password, this feature often requires you to provide a second form of verification, such as a unique code sent to your cellular device. There are several apps available, for example:

  • Google Authenticator
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • 2FA Authenticator

Laptop Fingerprint Biometric. Source:

Encrypt Your Data

To protect your sensitive data, use encryption techniques. Use full-disk encryption on your devices and think about utilizing a virtual private network (VPN) to protect your internet connection and ensure safe browsing. Apply this internet safety tip when abroad. There are many free and paid VPN services available, and some external discs come with built-in encryption to protect your information.

Secure Internet Connections

Trusted Networks Only

Use caution when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, such as airports, cafés, or hotels. Stick to recognized and trusted networks, ideally, those that require passwords or have strong security mechanisms in place. It’s dangerous to connect to unsecured networks in public places, given that your information may be stolen.

It’s better to get a safe and reliable connection through an eSIM. We’ll talk more about these internet safety tips when traveling abroad later. Additionally, remember to disable the auto-connect option. This prevents unintentional connections to insecure networks.

Use a VPN

A VPN encrypts your internet traffic and routes it through a secure server, preventing eavesdropping and hackers. Use a trustworthy VPN provider to protect your online activity, especially while viewing sensitive information or making financial transactions. A few reliable VPNs are the following:

  • ExpressVPN
  • CyberGhost
  • Private Internet Access
  • IPVanish
  • Surfshark

Personal Hotspot

To avoid connecting your devices to insecure networks, and risking your data, use your phone as a portable hotspot. This way, you can connect your laptop and other internet-capable devices. To get the best internet connection, consider getting an eSIM.

The Holafly eSIM for international travel provides a strong connection anywhere. Thanks to global contract agreements and coverage in over 170 destinations, travelers can connect everywhere!

Getting your eSIM is a piece of cake! Go to their website, choose your destination, and complete the purchase. Immediately after that, you’ll receive your installation QR code in your email. Easy-peasy.

No matter where you travel, even if your destination is Australia or another distant country, Holafly is one of the best eSIM providers in Australia and worldwide!

Internet safety tips

Man taking a picture. Source:

Be Wary of Social Engineering Attacks

Phishing Awareness

When responding to emails, messages, or pop-ups requesting personal information or account credentials, proceed with caution. Clicking on dodgy websites or downloading attachments from unknown sources should be avoided.

As an internet safety tip when traveling, we want to mention that these links generally take you to websites that seem legitimate and ask you to enter your information to be able to “reset your password,” “restore your account,” or “service”.

Be Cautious with Public Computers

Avoid accessing personal accounts or entering personal information on public computers, such as those found in internet cafés. These devices could be infiltrated, and keyloggers or other malware could steal your information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a VPN, and why is it important for internet safety when abroad?

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) encrypts your internet traffic, enhancing your online security and privacy. It creates a secure connection between your device and the internet.

Is there any recommended antivirus or security software for protecting my devices?

There are several reputable antivirus and security software options available. Look for well-known brands and read reviews to choose the one that suits your needs. Some popular antivirus are Norton Antivirus, Avast, McAfee, and many others.

How can I securely make online payments or transactions while abroad?

Use safe payment methods such as credit cards or reputable digital payment platforms when making online payments or transactions. Entering sensitive information on unprotected websites should be avoided.

How do I connect to the internet safely abroad?

Use reliable connection options, for example, Pocket WiFi, protected networks, and local SIM cards. eSIMs are an excellent option to connect abroad safely and quickly. You can get an eSIM from Holafly for almost any destination on their website.