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Mobile data, also known as cellular data, is a wireless internet connection delivered to your phone without the need for any additional physical devices or WiFi. It has become the go-to way to stay connected thanks to the convenience it offers. But have you ever wondered how it actually works? Follow along to learn all about it.

what is mobile data

What is mobile data?

Mobile data is a mobile, wireless internet connection transmitted through radio waves. It connects your mobile phone with nearby cellular towers or satellites to give you internet access. This means that using mobile data typically requires having cell coverage

Mobile data is typically split into 3G, 4G, and 5G, with 3G being the slowest and 5G being the fastest. Which one you connect to depends on the coverage of your mobile network at your location. 

Cities and other densely populated areas tend to have solid 5G coverage, with 4G available in most other areas, with 3G being a rarity nowadays. That said, you may still get 3G coverage if you like exploring and tend to steer away from any cities, towns, or villages.

How does mobile data work?

Your mobile devices communicate with cell towers belonging to your service provider to get internet access. Typically, mobile data is linked to your cellular plan, with a certain amount of data included in the plan every month. If you don’t have an unlimited data plan and use up your data limit, you can buy more data or will be charged a fixed fee for any data used after that.

That said, you can also buy an eSIM or travel SIM card that isn’t linked to a long-term mobile plan. Typically, these are data-only services that connect you to local mobile data networks. 

This allows you to get mobile data without committing to a long-term contract, which is perfect if you need mobile internet while traveling abroad. All you need to do is buy an eSIM plan for the duration of your trip that covers the country you’re visiting, and you can enjoy staying connected just as you would at home.

Staying connected with mobile data
Using mobile data is one of the most popular ways to stay connected. Source: Pexels

Why is my mobile data not working?

Issues with mobile data aren’t unheard of. Sometimes, it’s a case of an issue with the mobile network provider, but it can also easily be an issue with your phone. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do if your mobile data isn’t working on iPhone or Android.

  • Restart your phone — turn off your phone and turn it back on again. This simple solution often fixes bugs or glitches within the operating system that can cause issues with mobile data.
  • Update your operating system — an outdated operating system can cause many issues, including those with mobile data. Make sure to update it to the latest version regularly.
  • Clean your SIM card — sometimes, a bit of dust can gather around your SIM card and create issues with mobile data services. Try taking out the card and check for any debris within the SIM card tray, then wipe off the card with a clean piece of cloth or paper and reinsert it into the phone.
  • Restart your network settings — if nothing else helps, reset your network settings completely. This should eliminate any software issues related to mobile data. 

If none of the above solve your problem, contact your mobile service provider and see if it’s an issue on their end instead.

What uses mobile data?

Everything you do online uses mobile data, with some activities consuming more data than others. The least data is used for basic activities such as sending emails, writing messages online, checking the weather, or using a translator app.

Social media apps, map apps, and online browsing typically fall somewhere in the middle when it comes to data consumption. Video streaming and online gaming usually consume the most data, with YouTube and streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, and Netflix quickly eating through your data limit.

How much data do I need?

How much mobile data you need depends solely on how much you use the internet and what you do while online

Some users can get away with only 1 GB/month if they use their home WiFi for most things and only need mobile data for sending an occasional message or checking something online. If you plan to watch movies or YouTube videos daily, you might want to go for an unlimited data plan instead. 

Let’s take a look at how much data some of the most popular apps consume to give you an idea of how much you might need.

AppData consumption
YouTube2.3 GB/hour
Snapchat1.2 GB/hour
Google Maps1.05 GB/hour
TikTok0.95 GB/hour
Netflix0.64 GB/hour
Spotify0.1 GB/hour

How to conserve mobile data?

If you’re on a limited data plan, you’ll probably want to monitor your mobile data usage and conserve as much as possible. Here are a few things you can do to conserve mobile data usage:

  • Switch to WiFi when possible — most WiFi plans include unlimited data, so try to keep as many data-heavy activities on WiFi as possible.
  • Turn off apps when not in use — some apps may continue to use small amounts of data when left running in the background, so close them after use.
  • Choose your browser wisely — not all browsers use the same amount of data, even if you browse the same page. Opera and Google Chrome have proven to use the least data on mobile, while Safari uses the most.
  • Monitor data usage keep an eye on your data usage by app every now and again. If you notice an increase in data usage with some apps, you can make a conscious effort to use them less when you need to conserve mobile data.
  • Avoid data roaming when abroad — you can use the mobile data from your regular plan abroad by enabling data roaming. However, it tends to be much more expensive than paying for data back home. If you need to stay connected abroad, consider using an eSIM instead.

All in all, none of the above are necessary if you get yourself an unlimited data plan. So if you find yourself constantly running out of data and having to spend time and effort managing your consumption, consider getting an unlimited mobile data plan instead.

How to turn off mobile data

Most phones automatically connect to mobile data when there are no WiFi networks within reach. However, if you want to save as much data as possible, you might want to turn off your mobile data completely to prevent this from happening. Here’s how you can do that:

Turn off mobile data on iOS

  • Go to Settings.
  • Open Mobile Service/Cellular settings.
  • Toggle the Mobile Data switch to the off position.

Turn off mobile data on Android

  • Go to Settings.
  • Tap Network & Internet.
  • Tap Settings next to your mobile carrier.
  • Turn off mobile internet.
How to turn off mobile data on iOS
How to turn off mobile data on iOS.

Keep in mind that doing this will shut off mobile data completely. If you have an eSIM card that you want to use instead, you should set it as a primary card for mobile data. That way, your phone will automatically use data from the eSIM instead of your main SIM card when you’re not connected to WiFi.

Enjoy unlimited data with Holafly

Don’t spend your precious free time tracking data usage and worrying about it running out. All prepaid Holafly eSIM plans include unlimited data, hotpot sharing, and 24/7 customer support, ensuring that you’ll always stay connected.

Need data for a longer time? No problem. Holafly Connect offers a monthly eSIM subscription with prices ranging from $39.90 to $64.90, depending on the data limit you choose. With coverage in 170+ destinations, Holafly Connect will keep you online wherever you go, and you can simply cancel your plan whenever you no longer need it. 

Rokas Aniulis

Rokas Aniulis

Senior SEO copywriter

A senior SEO writer from Lithuania, combining my passion for writing and travel at Holafly. With years of experience in technical fields, I'm here to answer all of your questions about staying connected. I specialize in turning even the most complicated topics into something everyone can understand.

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