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If you intend to travel to Colombia, you probably don’t want to miss anything about this remarkable destination. And to make it, you have to be connected to the cellular internet in Colombia at all times.

In this article, we are going to give you all the information needed to know how to get a cellular internet connection in Colombia and be able to enjoy your trip to the fullest. If you don’t have time to buy a new SIM card, or if you want to keep using your old SIM, you can opt for an eSIM card with unlimited cellular data for Colombia.

eSIM for Colombia

>>Buy an eSIM for Colombia with unlimited data<< Get 5% OFF. Code: MYESIMNOW5

mobile internet colombia
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Alternatives to connect to the Mobile Internet in Colombia

Here you are going to read about different options to connect abroad, from the SIM card to the eSIM card, pocket WiFi, roaming, and free WiFi. It is very easy to connect. The difficult part is to decide which option you want.

(You may also be interested in how to have mobile internet in Jamaica)

eSIM card for Colombia

holafly esim for colombia
Unlimited data eSIM for Colombia from Holafly.

We have previously told you that this service is very good, it offers has 4G coverage, and you can connect to all the local operators. But you have to make sure that your cellphone is eSIM compatible because not all devices can support this technology yet. You can get this alternative, no matter where you are because you receive it in your email, and all you have to do to use it is to scan the QR code for the eSIM activation.


  • Unlimited data plans are available.
  • Enjoy 500 MB per day to share with others.
  • Speed: 3G/4G/LTE/5G
  • Days of use: customizable plan duration
  • You will receive it immediately in your email.
  • Easy installation and activation.
  • You can keep using your local SIM card.


  • Not all cellphones are compatible with eSIM cards.
  • Compatible cellphones are expensive high-end phones.
1Unlimited data$7.90
5Unlimited data$20.90
10Unlimited data$36.90
20Unlimited data$61.90
40Unlimited data$126.90
Price of the Holafly virtual SIM card.

If your next destination is Medellin, with Holafly you can purchase an exclusive eSIM for this city.

Prepaid SIM cards for Colombia

If you don’t want to pay for the expensive international roaming service to connect to cellular internet in Colombia, you can buy a SIM card with cellular data. It is a great option that connects to the networks of the main operators at your destination.

With the SIM card for Colombia, you won’t have to worry about your connection, you can also keep your WhatsApp number in your language, and you can use it to make calls and send texts.

Other SIM cards to get Mobile internet connection in Colombia:

Local SIM cards: You can get them at the airport in El Dorado, but it is not very recommendable, and since they do not offer plans for travelers, so you will have to top up your SIM card.

Pocket WiFi in Colombia

This is a device that you can carry in your pocket anywhere you go. It works as a small router that generates a private network for you and your loved ones or friends to connect to. You can buy one, but you have to also purchase a SIM card to get cellular data, or you can rent the device. There are online stores that offer this product, like Wifibox. But, keep in mind that this is not a common option to go for in Colombia.

Free WiFi

It is the cheapest option, but it is not safe. Since you connect to open networks, you have to be very careful not to provide personal information while connected because it can be easily stolen.

Another disadvantage is that the connection speed is not the best. Given that many people connect to these networks, the speed is slow and unstable. If you want to know which networks are in a specific area, you can use apps to find them. But in Colombia, you will find places with signs that say ‘Free WiFi’.

(You may also be interested in how to have mobile internet in Trinidad and Tobago)

How much does roaming cost in Colombia?

Roaming service will let you connect with a different operator when you leave your country. There are commercial agreements among operators that let you do this. That price that the foreign operator charges your domestic is the one that you have to pay, which will make you want to deactivate the roaming service during your trip whenever you don’t use it.


  • Easy activation, sometimes it is already included in your invoice.
  • It includes calls and texts that you also have to pay for.


  • You may have to pay a hefty invoice because you have to pay for every MB you consume.
  • Many other services are easier to get.

Roaming prices in Colombia depending on your country:

CountryCellular operatorPrice (Price/MB)How do activate it
UKO2$6/dayText O2TRAVEL to 23336.
UKThree$5/dayOn your device’s settings, turn on the roaming.
UKVodafone$6/dayOn their website or App
USAAT&T$2.05/MBCalling *611 or activate roaming on your cellphone
USAT-Mobile$15.00/MBcall #RON# to activate it.
USAVerizon$2.05/MBOn your device’s settings, turn on the roaming.
CanadaRogers$15/10MBOn your device’s settings, turn on the roaming.
CanadaTelus$10/MBThrough their website or send a message to 7626.
AustraliaOptus$1/MBThrough My Optus app.
AustraliaTelstra$10/dayThrough My Telstra app.
Table 1, Roaming prices for Colombia.

Comparison table between the different alternatives to get mobile internet in Colombia

Most services have similar characteristics, but some small aspects can make the all difference, some as comfort, price, easy usage, safety, and more. You can find a comparison table below:

CharacteristicseSIM cardsSIM cardsRoamingPocket WiFiFree WiFi
Is it accessible?YesYesNoNoYes
Great connection?YesYesYesYesNo
Unlimited internet?YesYesNoYesYes
Additional cost?NoNoNoYesNo
Can I share cellular data with other devices?YesNoNoYesNo
Do I have to pay if I lose it?NoNoNoYesNo
Easy usage and installation?YesYesNoNoYes
Table 2. Comparison table of different alternatives.

Our recommendation: which is the best alternative?

There are many alternatives, but if you want to enjoy your trip fully, then the eSIM card with cellular data from Holafly is the best option. You can buy it online, and you will receive it on your email. You will also enjoy the best coverage, and you will have 24-hour customer service and support, unlimited data, extensive coverage and much more.

Be careful with local SIM cards, there are many operators, but only three of them have the best coverage in Colombia: Claro, Movistar, and Tigo. The rest have limited coverage.

On the other hand, you could also enjoy Holafly Connect, a monthly eSIM subscription plan that is perfect for long-term travelers. It offers coverage in many countries and allows cancellation at any time. The data plan options include 10 GB, 25 GB, and unlimited data!

Brenda Beltrán

Brenda Beltrán

Content Manager

Hi, I'm Brenda Beltrán. I'm passionate about travel, technology, and video games. In 2019, I started my career as a journalist in entertainment and technology. Then, I discovered that content creation was my true calling. Now, at Holafly, I'm dedicated to sharing travel tips and experiences that will make your adventures unforgettable. ✈️ Hola, soy Brenda Beltrán, apasionada por los viajes, la tecnología y los videojuegos. Desde mis inicios en 2019 como periodista en entretenimiento y tecnología, descubrí que la creación de contenido era mi verdadera vocación. Hoy, en Holafly, me dedico a compartir consejos y experiencias de viaje para que cada una de tus aventuras sean memorables.✈️

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