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How to make calls in France with an eSIM card?

Are you traveling to France? Learn how to make calls with your eSIM card for France and enjoy your trip with no complications!

Leoneska Ruiz

July 26, 2023

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If you are planning to travel to France and want to stay connected to the internet, it is very important to be aware of the latest technological alternatives. One of them is the eSIM, a virtual SIM card that has changed the way we communicate during our trips. In the past, eSIM cards were mainly used to get international mobile data, but now they also let you make phone calls anywhere in the world, including eSIM cards in France and even eSIM cards with calls to other destinations.

In this article, we’ll tell you how you can get the most out of your eSIM, not only to get internet in France but also to make calls and make sure you’re always connected during your trip. If you know what an eSIM card is, this article will help you a lot.

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How to make calls in France with an eSIM to landlines

If you need to call a landline in France while using an eSIM, you’ll be happy to know that it’s a simple process similar to making calls to your home country. You can read the steps below to do it without complications:

  • Dial the international exit code: Before making a call to a landline number in France, you must dial the international exit code of your country. For example, if you come from the United States, you must dial the code “00” or the symbol “+” followed by the country code, which in the case of France is “33”.
  • Enter the area code: After the international exit code, you will need to dial the area code of the region or city in France that you want to call. For example, the area code for Paris is “1”. If you are calling a landline number in Paris, you will need to dial “33 1” after the international exit code.
  • Enter landline number: Once you’ve entered the international exit code and area code, it’s time to enter the specific landline number you want to call. Be sure to include all digits correctly and without extra spaces.
Calls in France
Make calls during your trip to France with your eSIM card. Source: Pexels.

Here is an example of how a landline number in Paris would be dialed from your eSIM: If the landline number is 01 23 45 67 89, you will need to dial “00 33 1 23 45 67 89” or “+33 1 23 45 67 89” when using the code “+” instead of “00”.

Remember that area codes may vary depending on your exact location in France. If you’re calling landlines in other cities or regions, simply replace the area code as needed.

Calls to mobile numbers

Maybe you also need to make calls to a cellular number during your stay in France. Fortunately, you can also do it easily with the eSIM. We will explain how to call mobile numbers in France below:

  • Dial the international exit code: As when calling landlines, the first step is to dial the international exit code of your country. This code can be “00” or the symbol “+” followed by the country code “33” for France.
  • Enter the area code: After the international exit code, you must dial the area code corresponding to the region or city in France where the mobile number you want to call is located. For example, the area code for Paris is “1”.
  • Enter the Mobile Number: Once you’ve entered the international exit code and area code, it’s time to enter the mobile number you want to call. Be sure to dial all digits with no extra spaces.

Let’s see an example of how you would dial a mobile number in Paris from your eSIM. Suppose the mobile number is 06 12 34 56 78. In this case, you should dial “00 33 6 12 34 56 78” or “+33 6 12 34 56 78” if you use the code “+” instead of “00”.

Area codes of France

It is very important to note that area codes in France can vary depending on the region or city you want to call. This usually happens in most European countries, so you can become familiar with the process if you have already made calls with your eSIM to Germany, for example.

Here are some of the most common area codes in different areas of France:

  • Paris: The area code for Paris is “1”. If you are calling landline or mobile numbers in the French capital, you must dial the area code “1” after the international exit code.
  • Marseille: The area code for Marseille is “4”. To make calls to landlines or mobile numbers in this city, you must dial the area code “4” after the international exit code.
  • Lyon: Lyon’s area code is “4”. When calling landlines or mobile numbers in this city, you will need to dial the “4” area code after the international exit code.
  • Nice: Nice’s area code is “4”. If you want to communicate with landline or mobile numbers in this beautiful city on the French Riviera, you must dial the area code “4” after the international exit code.

Remember that these are just a few examples of area codes in France. If you are calling other regions or cities, be sure to do your research and use the appropriate area code.

>Visiting Italy? Learn how to make phone calls with an eSIM and how to get an Italy eSIM for travel<

What are the benefits of the Holafly eSIM for France?

As we mentioned before, the Holafly eSIM card for France will let you enjoy numerous different benefits that will improve your experience. With unlimited data and data-sharing to other devices, you can pass over the traditional calls and make calls through VoIP apps, such as Facebook or WhatsApp, which is better.

But that is not all. You’ll also enjoy additional advantages, like 24/7 customer service to help you whenever you need it. Also, you will have a stable and fast connection, with access to the best network in the region. You will be able to keep your WhatsApp number and browse at 4G/LTE/5G speeds, letting you enjoy a fast and great browsing experience.

Why is it important to be able to make calls during your trip to France?

During your trip to France, it is very important to be able to make calls. Why? Because this gives you a series of benefits that enhance different aspects of your experience in the country.

Firstly, having the possibility to make calls is essential to maintaining effective communication with the hotel where you are going to stay. You will be able to manage reservations, request additional information, make inquiries, or notify changes to your itinerary quickly and without complications. Making calls gives you the peace of mind to resolve any issues or complications efficiently during your stay.

Making calls in France with an eSIM card
It is very important to make calls during your trip to France. Source: Pexels.

Another aspect is transportation. During your trip, it is likely that you will need to coordinate your routes using public transport or renting a vehicle. Making calls will let you communicate with transportation companies, get up-to-date information on schedules, ask questions about routes, and make necessary changes to your travel plans. This ability to communicate makes it easy to organize your trips and helps you make the most of your time in France.

Finally, having the possibility of making calls is important in terms of your travel insurance. In the event of medical emergencies, lost luggage, or flight cancellations, the ability to quickly contact your insurance provider or medical assistance services is essential. Calls let you access the necessary help to receive guidance during unforeseen situations, giving you peace of mind and response to any inconvenience.

>Keep calling while traveling to Germany with an eSIM<

Frequent questions

Is my cellphone compatible with eSIM?

The eSIM compatibility may vary depending on the model and manufacturer of your device. Many modern cell phones support eSIM cards, but it’s important to check your device’s specifications or check with your carrier to make sure you can use an eSIM.

Where can I get an eSIM?

They can usually be obtained through your mobile phone operator. You can visit a physical store or contact them to request an eSIM. There are also online options to purchase an eSIM from virtual operators or international mobile service providers.

How much does it cost to use an eSIM to make calls in France?

The costs will depend on the plan and operator you choose. We recommend you compare the offers and prices of different operators to find the plan that fits your needs and budget.

Do I need to have mobile data to make calls with an eSIM?

To make calls with an eSIM, you don’t necessarily need to have an active mobile data connection. However, some Internet calling (VoIP) services may require an Internet connection to work properly.