Digital Marketing Executive - Hong Kong/Taiwan Markets

👋 嗨,我是 Saffron!少女身大叔魂。咖啡及酒成癮。戶外運動愛好者,近幾年玩衝浪及溯溪。專業為內容行銷、內容策展與製作、品牌溝通、社群媒體行銷,熱愛施展文字魔法。同時我也非常享受與來自世界各地的朋友一起聊天開懷大笑、深入瞭解不同文化!我希望我們的 eSIM 能賦予你自由和力量,自信地去探索世界的每一個角落。🗺️

👋 Hi, I'm Saffron, an old soul trapped in an young woman's body. Coffee and alcohol enthusiast. Outdoor adventure seeker, recently into surfing and river trekking. Professionally, I specialize in content marketing, content curation and creation, as well as branding and social media marketing. I've got a knack for turning words into magic. I'm also always up for a good laugh, exploring different cultures and connecting with people! I hope our eSIM gives you the freedom and power to confidently venture out and discover all that the world has to offer.🗺️

