Lily Lin
Content Writer

旅居過 30+ 國家,持續擴展冒險版圖,喜歡旅居深度探索,勝過走馬看花,身為數位遊牧工作者,在海外旅居的時候特別重視網路品質,希望能夠將我在旅途中使用的 eSIM 體驗與旅行小妙招分享給更多需要的人。I’ve travelled and long stayed in 30+ countries and continue to expand my adventurous territory. Instead of visiting famous attractions, I prefer to explore local spots and meet the local community. As a digital nomad, I pay special attention to the network quality when I live overseas so I would
love to share my eSIM experience and travel tips with more people who need it.

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