Violet Lee
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曾经从频繁游历各国的旅游记者,转行成为朝九晚五的行销文案人员。因为梦想公司 Holafly 赋予的机会,让我实现了远程办公的梦想,再次回到了旅游圈,与大家分享我热爱的文字内容。兜兜转转,我终于成为了曾经梦寐以求、自由自在的数位游牧工作者。“放胆做梦,放心圆梦”是我的座右铭。我不仅热爱文字,对旅游的热忱更是从未减退。我也很爱散步、跑步、游泳和爬山等的户外活动,热衷于持续学习新事物,喜欢深度思考,并与有趣的灵魂展开思想碰撞。最近开始踏上了自我觉察的旅程,专注于个人内在的成长。

Formerly a travel journalist turned marketing copywriter, I found my way back to the travel world with Holafly—my dream company that made remote work possible. After a few career twists, I finally became the digital nomad I’d always aspired to be. My motto? 'Dream big and make it happen.' I’m passionate about writing, exploring the world, and staying active through walking, running, swimming, and hiking. I love learning, reflecting, and connecting with inspiring minds. Recently, I’ve embarked on a journey of self-discovery, focusing on personal growth from the inside out.

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